Roberto Moreno

Juliana Marã­A Nuã‘Ez

Juliana Marã­A Nuã‘Ez - Argentina

Wishlist competed at Bunyip Agricultural Show, his last show for the season. He and Clint finished the season perfectly, winning Champion Open Breed Stallion or Colt and also Champion Derivitive Stallion or Colt. I have been so impressed with Clint and how he has cared for and shown Wishlist. Prior to this show, Wishlist even had a few weeks break where he was turned out and able to relax, before being brought back into the stables and prepared for Bunyip Show. Wishlist will now be turned out for WInter and be back for the Spring where he will be shown again and also stand at stud to a limited amount of mares.

Juliana Marã­A Nuã‘Ez